JUMP TOSkytale APIdefaultGet the current status of the servicegetGet the preference array in responsegetuserLog in the user with emailpostLog in the user with account public addresspostget the nonce and a message for the signergetLog out the usergetGet user informationgetAccepts Terms and Conditionpostadd user walletpostGet user balancesgetGet user NFT balancesgetreload user's single transactionsputdelete user's walletdeleteget user's all wallets' portfoliogetadminSet up userpostsearch usersgetfind user by any idgetUpdate user RolesputRemove userdeleteget user subscriptionsgetcreate user's subscriptionpostdeactivate user subscriptiondeleteRemove all transactions from transaction storedeletefetch subscriptionsgetsubscriptionsqueryRetrieve an overview of historical transactionspostRetrieve and filter an overview of walletsposttagsget all tagsgetcreates tagpostdeletes a tagdeletetransactionsadds a new set of tags to transactionputadds tags to transactionpatchremove tags from transactiondeleteget transaction's tagsgetset notes to transactionputwalletsget user's walletgetset user's wallet's labelputget user's wallet's portfoliogetget user's wallet's balancegetget user's wallet's tagsgetadds a new set of tags to walletputadds tags to walletpatchremoves tags from walletdeletewebhooksget all webhooksgetcreates a new webhookpostdeletes a webhookdeleteorganizationget all organizationsgetcreates a new organizationpostget an organizationgetdeletes an organizationdeleteget all groups for an organizationgetcreates a new grouppostdeletes a groupdeleteget all users for a groupgetAdds a user to a groupputRemoves a user from a groupdeletecreates a new userpostget all users for an organizationgetAdd user to organisationputRemoves a userdeleteAdd wallet to groupputRemoves a walletdeletebookkeepingget login statusgetget company informationgetget accountsgetcreate new Bookkeeping Accountpostcreate new Bookkeeping Journal Entrypostterms-and-conditionsfetch terms And Conditions by idgetfetch current terms And Conditionsgetfetch terms And Conditionsgetcreate a new version of T&Cpost/preferencetypesadd new preference typepostpreferenceadd or update preferencespostA secure and seamless API to manage all your corporate digital assets in one placeSkytale APIPowered by create user's subscriptionpost https://example.com/api/1/admin/users/{id}/subscriptionscreate a new user's subscriptions